Welcome to MLSP!
Registration is open for 2023. Please register onliner at
Make sure that you click SUBMIT at the end
then, you can etransfer payment to mazinawlakeswimprogram@gmail.com
About MLSP
The MLSP was formed by local parents after the drowning of two youth. Originally, the program was offered at Marble Lake, but subsequently moved to Mazinaw Lake in Bon Echo Park. Typically, lessons occur for 4 weeks during the month of June. Local youth, and cottagers take a bus to the park to have one hour of lessons each weekday. The Mazinaw Lake Swim Program offers Lessons from the Red Cross Program and Bronze courses from the Lifesaving Society.
The program opperates under the umbrella of Land O'Lakes Community Services.
The program opperates only off of user fees, donations, and grants.
If you are looking for more information or to donate please email mazinawlakeswimporgram@gmail.com
Note: for 2021 the program is not operating in person. Rather, the MLSP is offering virtual safety tips and swimming tips for community members
Water safety is important for everyone to learn and I believe that it is a matter of life and death. You need to know how to help people if they are in trouble without putting yourself in trouble, you need to know boating safety, and where you think you're able to swim safely. easy.
~MLSP Staff
I've been a part of swimming lessons since before I can remember. My older sister attended and then I joined shortly after. I have great memories of going to the park and learning to swim with my friends. While attending swimming lessons it made me realize how important it was and it made me want to give back and help encourage people to continue swimming.
~MLSP Staff
MLSP now has an online store. Check it out and make an order for some new gear!
In order to operate the MLSP, the program relies on donations from the public. Please support our swimmers in the swim-a-thon.
So fun and engaging! The MLSP started my love for swimming. Instructors have always supported me, and have inspired me to continue with my swimming career to now teach others to be safe in and around water.
~ MLSP Staff
Working as an employee and volunteer for MLSP was a good experience. I met and was working with people who were good with the kids that they were teaching and they were able to work together with the instructors and beach helpers. Going from taking lessons there as kid, to being a beach helper and helping the instructors teaching the kids there was a fun experience.
~MLSP Staff
Water Safety is very important especially in an area like ours with multiple lakes. Making sure kids understand water safety will make them more comfortable and more aware when swimming or near water.
~MLSP Staff
Having knowledge of water safety is important as you never know when you will need it, be it to get yourself or others out of sticky situations. Simply knowing how to swim is not enough, even for a competitive swimmer like myself, being able to swim fast will not save a friend with a serious injury that needs to be transported in a specific manner. Water Safety is not just being able to swim, it is also the ability to recognize and avoid hazards, and to be able to deal with them should they affect yourself and others.
~MLSP Staff