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Level 5

Week 5

Challenge of the week:

This week your challenge is to complete at least 150 metres of flutter kick throughout the entire week. I want you to do some flutter kick each day after lessons until you complete 150 metres.


August 6th

Flutter Kick

- To end the week we are going to start with some flutter kick.

- I want you to do 2 sets of 25 metres with your flutter board.

- You are going to kick 25 metres, rest 30 seconds, kick another 25 metres, and then take a rest.

Rhythmic Breathing

- Now I want you to swim some front crawl where you are working on breathing on both sides of your body.

- I want you to swim at least 25 metres of front crawl breathing to both sides of your body.


- Now you can work on your dives if you are comfortable with it but if you are not you can work on your stride dives.



August 5th

Disoriented entries

- Today we are going to start by working on our disoriented entries into the water.

- You are going to fall/jump/get pushed into the water.

- When you are in the water you are going to keep your head out of the water as you make your way out of the water.

- When you are doing this I want you to make sure you are a safe distance away from the edge of the water when falling in.

- I want you to do at least 10 of these.

Head first sculling

- Now I want you to scull at least 5 metres on your back.

- When doing this I want your hands to be down by your hips and you are going to be doing your sculling motion.

- You can kick but do not rely on it to move you.


August 4th

Back Crawl

- We are going to start off today by working on our back crawl.

- I want you to swim 15 metres at least twice.

- I want you to swim the first 15 metres then take a 30 second break, then swim the second 15 metres.

- When you are swimming your back crawl I want you to focus on having your hand enter the water far above your head, and I want your pinky to be the first finger to enter the water on your stroke.

Stride Dive

- Now we are going to work on our stride dives.

- You are going to do at least 10 of these.

- You are going to stand at the edge of the water.

- Lean forwards in a diving position.

- Bring your back leg off the ground, and push off with your front leg.

- If you go to deep then don't push off as much and if you aren't going deep enough then tuck your chin closer to your chest.

- When you are doing this make sure you are diving a safe distance away from the edge.


August 3rd

Front Crawl

- You are going to start today with some front crawl.

- I want you to swim 15 metres of front crawl at least twice.

- You are going to swim 15 metres then take a 30 second break then swim another 15 metres.

- When you are doing this I want you to make sure that your flutter kick is staying consistent throughout the entire stroke and you aren't slowing down or stopping your kick at any point of your stroke.

Whip Kick on Back

- Now I want you to work on your whip kick while on your back.

- I want you to swim at least 10 metres of of whip kick, but instead of using a flutter board you are going to be doing it with your hands down by the sides of your body.

- When you are doing this I want you to keep in mind that your head should be looking up at the sky and not down at your feet since this will cause your hips to sink and make your kick less powerful.

Tread Water

- Now that you have finished the two other skills I want you to tread water for at least 1 minute to end the day.

- Make sure that your kick is consistent and that you are keeping the power in each kick as consistent as possible.


August 2nd

Distance Swim

- Since today is a holiday I am going to make the lesson shorter today.

- I want you to swim at least 50 metres of any stroke.

- There is no time limit just make sure you complete the distance.

I want you to spend at least half an hour in the water today but once you are finished your swim you can have some fun in the water.

Week 4

Challenge of the week:

I want you to try to swim 50 metres of any stroke without stopping once. I want you to do this daily after your swim lesson until you are able to do it without stopping.


July 30th

Whip Kick

- To start the last lesson for the week we are going to start by working on our Whip kick.

- I want you to do at least 15 metres of Whip kick with a flutter board.

- I want you to focus on bringing your ankles up to your butt so that you make your kick as efficient as possible.

Front Crawl

- Now we are going to work on front crawl.

- I want you to swim at least 15 metres of front crawl.

- When you are swimming I want you to focus on rotating your body.

- I want you to breathe on both sides and when you do that I want you to rotate your shoulders.


- Now this is completely optional but now you can try starting to dive if you wante.


July 29th

Stride Dive

- We are going to start today off by working on your surface dives.

- I want you to do at least 10 stride dives.

- I want you to focus on leaning forwards during this dive and push off with your front legs.

- If you're going to deep push off more, and if you are bellyflopping then tuck your chin in more.

Sculling on back

- Now I want you to work on your sculling.

- You are going to start by getting the feeling for the water by using your sculling motion in the water standing.

- Once you think you have the feeling for the water I want you to do at least 15 metres where you are sculling with your hands by your side.

Rhythmic Breathing

- Now you are going to do rhythmic breathing with a flutter board.

- I want you to grab a flutter board and start to do your flutter kick.

- You are going to do your flutter kick with your head in the water blowing bubbles.

- When you need to breathe, breathe to the side and alternate.

- I want you to do at least 20 alternating breathes.


July 28th

Cold Water Help

- We are going to start with our cold water HELP position.

- As we talked about earlier on in lessons we talked about how this position helps maintain heat in a cold water setting. 

- You are going to stay in this position with a lifejacket for at least 2 minutes.


















Cold Water Huddle

- Now we are going to do the Cold water HUDDLE.

- You are going to do this for another 2 minutes with one or more members of your family.

- As with the position before you would do this when you are not able to leave cold water.

- This will help you stay warm when in a group.












Whip Kick

- Now we are going to work on our whip kick to end the day.

- I want you to do at least 10 metres of whip kick.

- You can do this with a flutter board or on your back.

- When you are doing this make sure you are using your kick to push as much water back as possible.

- Think about bringing your feet up to your butt and then point them outwards


July 27th

Back Crawl

- I want you guys to start off today working on your back crawl.

- You are going to swim at least 15 metres of back crawl.

- When doing this try to focus on keeping your kick consistent since this will keep your entire body stable and on top of the water.

Flutter kick

- Now, I want you guys to work on your flutter kick.

- You are going to flutter kick with your arms by your side and kick on your back.

- I want you guys to kick at least 25 metres, working on keeping your kick consistent as you did with your back crawl.



July 26th

Distance Swim

  • We are going to start today with our distance swim.

  • You are going to swim 50 metres

  • You can swim any stroke, but I would suggest Front Crawl since this is the most powerful.

  • There is no time limit that you have to meet, just finish the distance.

  • You can do any assortment of strokes, meaning you don’t only have to do a single stroke.

Disoriented Entry

  • Now we are going to be working on something a bit more fun.

  • We are going to do at least 5 different disoriented entries.

  • You are going to do this without goggles.

  • Make sure that the depth and width of the pool are safe.

  • Make sure that your entry is far enough away from the edge of the water.

Front Crawl

  • Now to finish off today we are going to work on our front crawl.

  • I want you to do at least 15 metres of front crawl.

  • When you are doing your front crawl, I want you to work on keeping your head in the water and as your alternating your strokes I want your body to rotate.

  • When you are swimming, I want you to make sure that you exhale the air while your head is underwater, so you have empty lungs to breathe air.



Week 3

Challenge of the week:

I want you guys to do at least 5 minutes of flutter kick after each lesson/day. Once you have finished the assigned swim activities I want you to do at least 5 minutes where you work on the endurance for your flutter kick.


July 23rd

Whip Kick

  • I want you guys to start today with working on your whip kick.

  • You are going to start off by doing at least 10 metres of whip kick with a flutter board focusing on bringing your legs all the way up to your butt.

  • Next you are going to do at least 10 metres of whip kick with your hands down by your side with your face in the water focusing on catching as much water as possible in your kick.

  • Lastly you are going to do your whip kick on your back focusing on keeping your face out of the water the entire time.

Flutter Kick

  • I now want you guys to work on your flutter kick.

  • You are going to start by doing your flutter kick with your flutter board.

  • You are going to swim 25 metres with your flutter board focusing on keeping the upward motion of your kick since this is where most of the power of the kick comes from making it very important to perfect.

Back Crawl

  • We are going to finish off today by working on your back crawl.

  • I want you to do 3 sets of 10 metres

  • You are going to swim 10 metres of back crawl then rest for 30 seconds.

  • Swim another 10 metres then rest for another 30 seconds.

  • Then you are going to do that once more.

  • When you are doing this, I want you to focus on keeping your head as still as possible. Making sure that you aren’t rocking your head from side to side and are not bobbing your head up and down.



July 22nd 

Tread Water

  • I want you guys to start today by working on your treading skills.

  • I want you to tread water for at least one minute. If you feel like you can continue after the one-minute mark you can extend your time and keep treading for a minute more if you can if you cannot don’t feel pressure to continue.

  • When treading water, I want you to try to use whip kick since this will create the most power in your kick. I want you to really snap your feet together at the end of your kick to try to create as much power to keep your body above water.

Disoriented Entry

  • When you are working on your disoriented entries have some fun.

  • You can try rolling, jumping, diving into the water.

  • When you are doing this make sure that you resurface and exit the water in a timely manner.

  • Make sure that you are staying safe when doing this and always jump out away from the edge.

Distance swim

  • Now to finish the day off we are going to do our distance swim.

  • I want you to swim 50 metres.

  • Any stroke.

  • It does not matter how long it takes you to finish it as long as you finish.

  • I would suggest you use front crawl since it is the easiest way of maintaining



July 21st

Front Crawl

  • I want you to start today by working on your front crawl. You are going to start by swimming 15 metres of front crawl where I want you to focus on breathing to both sides. As you bring your arm up over the water to recover you are going to tilt your head to the side and breathe.

  • Once you have done that I want you to swim 15 metres of front crawl where you are working on keeping your flutter kick consistently. When you are doing your stroke, I want you to consciously think about keeping your kick going at a consistent rate as you are swimming.

Flutter kick

  • Now that we have worked on your front crawl, I want you guys to now work on your flutter kick.

  • I want you to use a flutter board and you are going to kick for at least 5 minutes.

  • During these 5 minutes I want you to think about the upward motion of your kick. As you are kicking really try to focus on pushing the water up as you are kicking, since this will create a lot of power in your kick.

Rhythmic breathing

  • Now I want you to keep your flutter board.

  • You are going to keep the flutter board in front of your head with your arms extended. You are going to breathe off to each side at least 20 times meaning that you are going to breathe 10 times on each side.

  • As your head is in the water, I want you to blow bubbles to exhale the air in your lungs.



July 20th

Stride Dive

  • We are going to start today by working on our stride dives.

  • I want you to try at least 5 stride dives

  • When you are doing these, I want you really to focus on keeping your head tucked in between your arms as you are diving in.

  • I also want you to focus on leaning forward, I want you to bring your back leg off as you lean then push off with your front leg.

Back crawl

  • I want you to do 3 sets of 10 metres to work on your back crawl endurance.

  • As you are doing this, I want you to keep your focus on your breathing. This is especially important when doing this type of endurance swimming. When doing your back crawl, you don’t need to breathe rapidly since you have access to air whenever you need it.

Sculling on back

  • We are going to start like we usually do by working on our sculling standing on the bottom.

  • Once you feel like you have the feeling for the water you are going to start your sculling with your hands down by your hips.

  • You are going to do 3 sets of 10 metres again

  • When you are doing this, you can have a light flutter kick but don’t rely on that to move you.



July 19th

Safe Boating

  • To start the week, I want to start by focussing on boater safety which is extremely important especially since we swim in lakes.

  • I want you to start by writing at least 5 things that you should bring with you when you are going out on the boat. Think about sun safety and boating safety.

  • I want you to write another list of things that you should avoid when on a boat. Should you be jumping? Running? Or throwing things on a boat?

  • Lastly, I want you to draw a small picture of a day that you would think is a perfect day to go out on the boat. Is it raining or sunny? Is it windy? Are there big waves?


Flutter Kick

  • I now want you guys to get in the water and we are going to work on our flutter kick.

  • We are going to be doing 3 sets of 25 metres of kick.

  • I want you guys to kick your flutter kick 25 metres then take a 30 second break, and do those 3 times

  • When you are working on your flutter kick, I want you to focus on pointing your toes so that you can create the most power in your kick.











Whip Kick

  • Now I want you to focus on our Whip kick.

  • I want you to start with a flutter board and you are going to work on your whip kick with the flutter board for at least 5 minutes

  • During these 5 minutes I want you to be actively thinking about ending your kick by snapping your heels together to create as much power as possible in your kick.

Flutter kick.jpeg

Week 2

Challenge of the week:

I want you to try to tread water for 1 minute each day of this week. You can try out different kicks to see which one you believe to keep you afloat the best. You are going to want to use your sculling skills to keep your head out of the water.


July 16th 2021

Head- first sculling on back

  • We are going to start today by practicing our scull on the back.

  • You are going to want to start lying on your back in the water with your arms down by your hips and you are going to do your sculling motion, if you forget how to do this I have explained in an earlier post.

  • You are allowed to kick to just keep your body from going underwater, but if you feel your hips sinking then I want you to tilt your head backwards towards the sky.

Treading water

  • I want you guys to now work on your treading water skills.

  • You are going to be in the water, and you are going to tread water for 1 minute. You are going to be doing the sculling motion with your hands and you can choose which ever kick you want. I would suggest whip kick or scissor kick to keep your body above water.

  • Once you have finished the minute you are done your treading.

Disoriented Entries

  • Since its Friday we are going to have some fun and do some disoriented entries with clothes on.

  • Depending on how difficult you want to make it add clothes accordingly.

  • I would suggest not wearing jeans since they can become quite heavy when wet.

  • Try wearing an old pair of shoes and see how you can try to kick with the shoes on.

  • Try jumping, rolling, falling, and maybe even being pushed in.

  • Then find the exit of the water and exit the water as quick as possible

Have a nice weekend



July 15th 2021

Rhythmic Breathing

  • Today I want to start by working on you rhythmic breathing while doing front crawl.

  • But before we are going to do that, we are going to practice our rhythmic breathing on land so that you can get the timing of your breathes right. Once you have figured out the timing, I want you to get in the water.

  • Now that you are in the water, we are going to practice our rhythmic breathing while also practicing our front crawl.

  • You are going to make sure you are breathing to both sides evenly and that you are only taking breathes when your arm comes out of the water on the recovery part of the stroke.

Cold Water Huddle

  • Last week we did the Cold-Water HELP so now we are going to do the equivalent but for when you are in a group

  • This will be used when in cold water, but you are not alone.

  • You are going to be in a group with lifejackets on and you are going to get as close together as possible with the smallest person in the middle and you are going to stay in that position for one minute.












Flutter Kick

  • Lastly, we are going to work on your flutter kick

  • Today we are going to be working on flutter kick on your back

  • So instead of doing flutter kick on your front with a flutter board you are going to be on your back with your arms by your sides and I want you to do 50 metres of flutter kick.

  • This will help your flutter kick for back crawl and front crawl.



July 14th 2021

Whip Kick

  • I want to practice our whip kick some more today.

  • We are going to start in the water with a flutter board and goggles if you want them. You are going to hold the flutter board above your head like normal and you are going to put your face down into the water. You are going to start to do your whip kick. When you need to breathe bring your head up to breathe and put it right back down.

  • I want you to work on this for at least ten minutes














Distance Swim

  • Now we are going to do your distance swim.

  • You can do whatever stroke you want you just have to complete 50 metres.

  • There is no time limit so take as much time as you need

  • I would suggest you do front crawl since it is the most effective and efficient stroke, but it is all up to you.

  • Since the distance swim is so challenging and exhausting we are going to stop here today, but feel free to go back and keep working on your whip kick.






July 13th, 2021

Disoriented Entry

  • Like we did last week I want you to practice your disoriented entries

  • I you can do it in a safe manner I want you to have a friend or someone in your family push you into the water and practice what to do if you are pushed into the water.

  • When you get pushed in, I want you to be able to keep yourself afloat while trying to find an exit point.

  • Make sure when you get pushed you are falling out away from the deck/dock.

Distance Swim

  • I want you to do your distance swim today

  • You are going to swim 50 metres

  • You can swim any stroke and there is no time limit so just try your best to complete the distance

Cold Water Help

  • With a lifejacket or PFD, I want you to jump in the water and perform the HELP position in the water. HELP is an acronym for Heat Escape Lessening Position, and it is meant to prevent heat loss in cold water.

  • When you get in the water with your floatation device you are going to bring your knees up to your chest and hold them. I want you to stay in that position for 1 minute.









July 12th, 2o21

Flutter Kick

  • Today we are going to start by practicing our flutter kick

  • We are going to practicing our flutter kick by doing the single leg flutter kick drill. You are going to use a flutter board or any other type of floatation device that you can kick with like a pool noodle. As the name suggests you are going to be doing your flutter kick but one leg at a time. When you are doing this, I want you guys to focus on the upward motion of the kick. I want you to make sure that you are kicking the water up as well as down so that you can get the most power from your kicks. I want you to do at least 25 metres of this drill but if you still need more practice, you can take a 2 minute break then keep working.

  • Once you have finished this drill you are going to be working on your normal flutter kick for 25 metres

  • When you are practicing your flutter kick, I really want you to focus on kicking from your hips since the power of your kicks come from your hips and not your knees. Your knees should only bend slightly on the down kick otherwise all the power should be coming from your hips.

Stride Dive

  • We are now going to work on stride dives which are progressions of the kneeling dive

  • You are going to start by doing one or two kneeling dives and once you feel comfortable with that then you can practice your stride dive.

  • The difference between the stride dive and the kneeling dive is that the stride dive you are now standing up with one foot right at the edge of the pool and the other behind.

  • Your arms should be together above your head, and as you start to lean forwards you are going to tuck your chin in towards your chest and your back leg is going to come off the ground and you are going to push off with your front leg with your arms leading you into the water.

  • I have attached a video to clear up any misunderstandings.

  • If you are doing this and you’re bellyflopping, then you need to tuck your chin in further towards your chest and angle your hands further down as you enter the water.

  • If you are going to deep on your dive you are going to want to push off harder with your legs so that you aren’t diving straight down to the bottom of the water.













Surface dive

  • You are not necessarily going to be practicing your surface dives but I want you to practice swimming under the water and figuring out the most efficient way of doing it and this will help you for your surface dives

  • I want you to practice different arm motions and you can decide which one is most efficient, you can also try different types of kicks.


Week 1


Challenge of the week:


   Swim 200 metres throughout the week. You can swim it however you want, and you   can spread the distance over the entire week. You can keep a written log of the   distance you swam and if you feel like it, you can try to swim the entire distance in one day.


Friday, July 8th 2021

Rhythmic Breathing

  • I want you to first do these with a kickboard

  • So, when you get your kickboard, I want you to hold it out in front of your head and as you are doing your flutter kick I want you to put your face in the water and start to breathe and alternating the sides of breath

  • I want you to try your best to make the motion of your head from one side to the other as smooth as you can.

  • Once you have finished that you can now try it with front crawl. So, I want you to breathe 20 times, 10 times on each side. You are going to breathe to the right as your right arm recovers over the water then breathe on the left side as your left arm is recovering over the water.

  • A tip to remember is that when your head is under water you should be blowing bubbles out into the water

Front Crawl

  • Today I have another front crawl drill that I want you guys to do, and it is a catch-up drill using a kick board

  • You are going to start with the kickboard in the water above your head. You are going to start performing your front crawl arms one at a time, as one arm pulls down the other is still on the kick board. When you have completed the arm stroke you are going to alternate arms

  •  As you are alternating your arms, I want your head to be face first in the water and you should be doing your rhythmic breathing that we just practiced.












Thursday, July 8th 2021

Whip Kick on Back

  • I want you to start your day by practicing your whip kick on land before you do it in the water because then you don’t have to support yourself in the water when practicing this technique. You can do it on your bed or on the floor and make sure that you won’t kick anything. If you need a reference, I have attached a video you can watch. 

  • When you are doing your whip kick I want you to focus on bringing your heels up to your butt together then turning your toes outwards the kicking back with both feet at the same time

  • Try to keep your body as near to the surface as possible and if you feel your hips sinking try tilting your head further back

  • Once you feel comfortable that you understand and have a good feel for the kick you can now do the kick in the water on your back, for now I am not too worried about the distance, just make sure that you are able to do it

  • You can keep your arms beside your body just make sure that you are doing proper whip kick

  • Once you understand how to do this, I want you to keep practicing until you feel confident in your abilities














How to be a Safe Boater?

I have a few questions that I want you to think about today…

  1. Name 3 things that you can do before getting in a boat to ensure your safety.

  2. When do you think is not a safe time to be out boating? Make a list of 3 conditions that would make boating unsafe

  • Lastly, I want you to draw a picture of a situation that you think would be unsafe to boat in, are there rain clouds? Big waves?



Wednesday, July 7th 2021

Back Crawl

  • So, we are going to be working on our back crawl and there is a drill I want you to start with. You are going to be doing flutter kick on your back to start. So, with your arms above your heads, you are going to flutter kick 15 metres.

  • Once you have finished that you can now work on your full back crawl.

When doing back crawl I want you to focus on…

  • Keeping your body as straight as possible near the surface of the water

  • Pulling down on the water with bent arms pulling the water down past your hips and shooting it towards your feet

  • And lastly, I want you to focus on not holding your breath when you are doing back crawl I want you to breathe like you would walking down the street

Treading water

  • Like when you are sculling when you tread water you want to cup your hands and try to scoop the water back and forth away and towards your body. You can try to do this in shallow water before the deep water to make sure that you are able to perform this sculling motion.

  • For your kick I want you just to make sure you can stay on top of the water, meaning I want you to make sure that whichever kick you chose can support you.

  • I want you to try your best to tread water for 1 minute but if you aren’t quite able to get to 1 minute its ok we will be doing this later on in the month.

Distance Swim

  • I want you to do your distance swim today, that means that you are going to be swimming 50 metres of any combinations of strokes that you want.

  • There is no time limit so try your best to complete the distance

  • If you aren’t quite able to keep on working on your front crawl


Tuesday, July 6th 2021

Disoriented Entries

  • To perform this, you are going to want to make sure that you are in water that is deep enough that when you fall/jump into the water you don’t touch the bottom so make sure you are not in shallow water. You’re going to want to fall into the water and exit the water.             

  • To practice your entries, you are going to try different ways of entering the water. Experiments with disorientation through a variety of deep-water entries, e.g., front roll, side roll, jumping in and turning a somersault.

  • When doing this make sure that you are always jumping out away from the wall so that you don't hurt yourself.

Sculling on Back

  • Before doing this, I want you to use your hands to scull in the water, make sure that your hands are cupped and that you are able to move the water back and forth from your body.

  • Now float on your back so that you are facing the sky and with a light flutter kick you can skull at hips, once you feel like you have this understood you can try to scull on your back without the flutter kick.

  • When you are doing the scull down by your hips make sure that your hands stay under the water so that you can move as much water as possible.

Fitness Activity: Flutter Kick 25M

  • Now that we have practiced our flutter kick, I want you guys to do your first challenge and that will be the 25-metre flutter kick.

  • When doing this I want you to try your best to make it as close to 25 metres as possible but if you can’t just estimate

  • I want you to focus on keeping your body as straight as possible meaning that I want you to keep your entire body near to the water. I also want you to make sure that you are constantly kicking, and your kicks are near the surface.


Monday, July 5th 2021

Front Crawl:


  • We are going to start by working on flutter kick. You need an object that can keep your head above water while kicking you can use a flutter board, a pool noodle, or any other device you might have. Holding this float device above your head you will practice your flutter kick. You want to make sure that your body is near horizontal the entire time meaning that you want your head, hips, and feet all aligned. Make sure that you do not bend your knees. You want to make sure that your kick is coming from your hips. Make sure that your feet are pointed.

  • Another drill that we will be doing is Fingertip Drag, so when you are practicing your front crawl you are going to do everything normally but when you are bringing your arms up towards your head you are going to drag your fingertips along the surface. This will help make sure that you are extending your stroke far enough.














  • Practice your sculling motion outside of the water first so that you can make sure you are doing it right as you are watching your hands. Your hands should be cupped and look like big spoons so that you can catch as much water as possible. Now with your cupped hands move them back and forth towards and away from your body, when you are moving them away from your body you should be pushing the air away and when moving them towards your body you want to be scooping the air inwards.

  • Now once you are comfortable and understand what you are doing you can go into the water and instead of moving your cupped hands through the air you can move them through the water, and you will be able to feel yourself moving the water back and forth.

Staying Warm:


    Your body loses its heat from four main points of the body the head, the neck,           sides of chest and the groin. When you think you are losing heat it is important to   keep these main areas warm you can do that be curling up or huddling with other   people. It is very important that you stay warm when boating and there are many   ways of doing this you can use a lifejacket or PFD to keep you warm, you can make   sure that you are dry when in a boat or you could use a towel or blanket to keep   yourself warm. When on ice what do you think are two ways that you can stay warm?

Tuesday, July 6th 2021




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