July 7th Week 1
Challenge of the week
Stride entry
This is one of the hardest skills to master when learning to swim, so we are going to start early so you are a master at it.
Start at the end of your pool or dock with your toes on the edge
Stick your arms straight out to the slide like a T, stick your dominant foot out as if you are going to step in the water
Slowly step not jump into the water, just as your arms are hitting the water pull your hands together, this will keep your head above the water which is the goal.
Photo examples
Front Crawl

Back Crawl

Elementary Backstroke

Front crawl 50m –
Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Back crawl 50m –
Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -
Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Another Challenge
See how long you can tread water; every day try to see if you can beat your best time!
Weekly water Safety Reminder
Make sure you are swimming with someone at all times, swimming alone is very dangerous. Even if you think you are a strong swimmer, swimming with someone will insure you are being safe.

July 8th Week 1
Challenge of the week
Stride entry
This is one of the hardest skills to master when learning to swim, so we are going to start early so you are a master at it.
Start at the end of your pool or dock with your toes on the edge
Stick your arms straight out to the slide like a T, stick your dominant foot out as if you are going to step in the water
Slowly step not jump into the water, just as your arms are hitting the water pull your hands together, this will keep your head above the water which is the goal.
Photo examples
Front crawl

Front Scull
Front crawl 50m –
Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Front Scull 15m–
Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
Whip Kick on front 15m -
For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time.
You can do it!

Whip Kick
Continue trying to beat your time while treading water! Next week you will receive a new challenge:)
Weekly water Safety Reminder
Make sure you are swimming with someone at all times, swimming alone is very dangerous. Even if you think you are a strong swimmer, swimming with someone will insure you are being safe.

July 9th Week 1
Back crawl 50m –
Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Dolphin Kick 15m–
Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Whip Kick on front 15m -
For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time.
You can do it!
Photo Examples
Back Crawl

Dolphin Kick

Continue trying to beat your time while treading water! Next week you will receive a new challenge:)
Whip kick on front

Weekly water Safety Reminder
Make sure you are swimming with someone at all times, swimming alone is very dangerous. Even if you think you are a strong swimmer, swimming with someone will insure you are being safe.

Challenge of the week
Stride entry
This is one of the hardest skills to master when learning to swim, so we are going to start early so you are a master at it.
Start at the end of your pool or dock with your toes on the edge
Stick your arms straight out to the slide like a T, stick your dominant foot out as if you are going to step in the water
Slowly step not jump into the water, just as your arms are hitting the water pull your hands together, this will keep your head above the water which is the goal.
July 12th Week 2
Front crawl 50m –
Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -
Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Whip Kick on front 15m -
For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time.
You can do it!
Photo examples
Front Crawl

Elementary Back Stroke

Whip Kick on front
Continue practising your stride dives and see if you can do 3 perfect ones in a row.
Weekly water Safety Reminder Look for and read signs when at a public pool or public beach, make sure you are aware of the dangers of the water before entering.

Challenge of the week
Reaching assist with rescue equipment
With a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.

July 13th Week 2
Photo examples
Front Scull 15m–
Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
Dolphin Kick 15m–
Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Back crawl 50m –
Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Front Scull

Dolphin Kick

Back Crawl

Continue practising your stride dives and see if you can do 3 perfect ones in a row.
Weekly water Safety Reminder Look for and read signs when at a public pool or public beach, make sure you are aware of the dangers of the water before entering.

Challenge of the week
Reaching assist with rescue equipment
With a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
July 14th Week 2
Photo examples
Front Crawl

Elementary Back Stroke

Back Crawl

Continue practising your stride dives and see if you can do 3 perfect ones in a row.
Weekly water Safety Reminder Look for and read signs when at a public pool or public beach, make sure you are aware of the dangers of the water before entering.

Challenge of the week
Reaching assist with rescue equipment
With a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
Front crawl 50m –
Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -
Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Back crawl 50m –
Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
July 15th Week 2
Photo examples
Front Scull 15m–Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
Dolphin Kick 15m–Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Whip Kick on front 15m -For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time.
You can do it!
Front Scull

Dolphin Kick

Whip Kick
Continue practising your stride dives and see if you can do 3 perfect ones in a row.
Weekly water Safety Reminder Look for and read signs when at a public pool or public beach, make sure you are aware of the dangers of the water before entering.

Challenge of the week
Reaching assist with rescue equipment
With a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
July 16th Week 2
Challenge of the week
Reaching assist with rescue equipment
With a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
Front Scull 15m– Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
Front crawl 50m –Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Photo examples
Front Scull

Continue practising your stride dives and see if you can do 3 perfect ones in a row.
Front Crawl

Elementary Back Stroke
Weekly water Safety Reminder Look for and read signs when at a public pool or public beach, make sure you are aware of the dangers of the water before entering.

July 19th Week 3
Challenge of the week
Distance Swim 150m
This week I want you to try your distance swim at least three times this week. For the distance swim you can choose any stroke you would like, during your distance swim try your best not to stop.
Time yourself to see if you get better throughout the week.
Photo examples
Mild Airway obstruction

Mild airway obstruction (choking rescue)
If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. Tell them to keep coughing keep coughing and tell them everything is going to be alright. After coughing is should dislodge whatever is in the person’s throat.
Front Scull 15m–Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
Dolphin Kick 15m–Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Front Scull

Tread water, this week I want you to time yourself and see how long you can tread water without your ears and chin going under the water.
Dolphin Kick

Drowning Prevention
Drowning has caused over 2.5 million deaths worldwide in the past decade.
Wear a lifejacket
Knowing your limits and abilities for swimming
Have young kids stay within arm’s reach
Don’t swim alone
Always supervise your children (stay off your phone)
Stay sober while boating
Water toys and floaties are not actually flotation devices, do not use them as one.
Take swimming lessons. It does not matter whether you are an adult or a child, taking lessons to help you swim better will benefit you.
*Swimming in open water is different than a pool, if you are not confident in your swimming abilities then do not go into the water. Make sure you have someone swim with you and wear a lifejacket.
July 20th Week 3
Challenge of the week
Distance Swim 150m
This week I want you to try your distance swim at least three times this week. For the distance swim you can choose any stroke you would like, during your distance swim try your best not to stop.
Time yourself to see if you get better throughout the week.
Photo examples
Mild Airway Obstruction

Front Crawl

Mild airway obstruction (choking rescue)If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. Tell them to keep coughing keep coughing and tell them everything is going to be alright. After coughing is should dislodge whatever is in the person’s throat.
Front crawl 50m –Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Back crawl 50m –Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Tread water, this week I want you to time yourself and see how long you can tread water without your ears and chin going under the water.
Back Crawl
Drowning Prevention
Drowning has caused over 2.5 million deaths worldwide in the past decade.
Wear a lifejacket
Knowing your limits and abilities for swimming
Have young kids stay within arm’s reach
Don’t swim alone
Always supervise your children (stay off your phone)
Stay sober while boating
Water toys and floaties are not actually flotation devices, do not use them as one.
Take swimming lessons. It does not matter whether you are an adult or a child, taking lessons to help you swim better will benefit you.
*Swimming in open water is different than a pool, if you are not confident in your swimming abilities then do not go into the water. Make sure you have someone swim with you and wear a lifejacket.
July 21st Week 3
Challenge of the week
Distance Swim 150m
This week I want you to try your distance swim at least three times this week. For the distance swim you can choose any stroke you would like, during your distance swim try your best not to stop.
Time yourself to see if you get better throughout the week.
Photo examples
Severe Airway Obstruction

Elementary Back Stroke
Dolphin Kick

Tread water, this week I want you to time yourself and see how long you can tread water without your ears and chin going under the water.
Drowning Prevention
Drowning has caused over 2.5 million deaths worldwide in the past decade.
Wear a lifejacket
Knowing your limits and abilities for swimming
Have young kids stay within arm’s reach
Don’t swim alone
Always supervise your children (stay off your phone)
Stay sober while boating
Water toys and floaties are not actually flotation devices, do not use them as one.
Take swimming lessons. It does not matter whether you are an adult or a child, taking lessons to help you swim better will benefit you.
*Swimming in open water is different than a pool, if you are not confident in your swimming abilities then do not go into the water. Make sure you have someone swim with you and wear a lifejacket.

Severe airway obstruction (choking rescue)
If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. But if they cannot nod than this person may be seriously choking, ask the person if you can help them and let them know you are trained to do this. Start by going behind them, stand them up straight, move their legs apart and place your dominant leg between them. Then you are going put your arm under the persons arm pit and across their chest their other shoulder. Then bend the person over a little bit and with your hand straight you are going to use the bottom of your hand and hit the persons back very hard. (when you are practising just pretend) hit the persons back 5 times then stand the person up and put both arms under their shoulders and around to their belly. Put your one hand over the other and make a cup formation with your hands, you are then going to start at the belly button and scoop up with lots of pressure 5 times. After you do this repeat until the person is no longer choking.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Dolphin Kick 15m–Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
July 22nd Week 3
Challenge of the week
Distance Swim 150m
This week I want you to try your distance swim at least three times this week. For the distance swim you can choose any stroke you would like, during your distance swim try your best not to stop.
Time yourself to see if you get better throughout the week.
Photo examples
Severe Airway Obstruction

Front Crawl

Back Crawl

Tread water, this week I want you to time yourself and see how long you can tread water without your ears and chin going under the water.
Drowning Prevention
Drowning has caused over 2.5 million deaths worldwide in the past decade.
Wear a lifejacket
Knowing your limits and abilities for swimming
Have young kids stay within arm’s reach
Don’t swim alone
Always supervise your children (stay off your phone)
Stay sober while boating
Water toys and floaties are not actually flotation devices, do not use them as one.
Take swimming lessons. It does not matter whether you are an adult or a child, taking lessons to help you swim better will benefit you.
*Swimming in open water is different than a pool, if you are not confident in your swimming abilities then do not go into the water. Make sure you have someone swim with you and wear a lifejacket.
Severe airway obstruction (choking rescue)
If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. But if they cannot nod than this person may be seriously choking, ask the person if you can help them and let them know you are trained to do this. Start by going behind them, stand them up straight, move their legs apart and place your dominant leg between them. Then you are going put your arm under the persons arm pit and across their chest their other shoulder. Then bend the person over a little bit and with your hand straight you are going to use the bottom of your hand and hit the persons back very hard. (when you are practising just pretend) hit the persons back 5 times then stand the person up and put both arms under their shoulders and around to their belly. Put your one hand over the other and make a cup formation with your hands, you are then going to start at the belly button and scoop up with lots of pressure 5 times. After you do this repeat until the person is no longer choking.
Front crawl 50m –Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Back crawl 50m –Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
July 23rd Week 3
Challenge of the week
Distance Swim 150m
This week I want you to try your distance swim at least three times this week. For the distance swim you can choose any stroke you would like, during your distance swim try your best not to stop.
Time yourself to see if you get better throughout the week.
Photo examples
Mild Airway Obstruction

Dolphin Kick

Whip Kick on Front

Tread water, this week I want you to time yourself and see how long you can tread water without your ears and chin going under the water.
Drowning Prevention
Drowning has caused over 2.5 million deaths worldwide in the past decade.
Wear a lifejacket
Knowing your limits and abilities for swimming
Have young kids stay within arm’s reach
Don’t swim alone
Always supervise your children (stay off your phone)
Stay sober while boating
Water toys and floaties are not actually flotation devices, do not use them as one.
Take swimming lessons. It does not matter whether you are an adult or a child, taking lessons to help you swim better will benefit you.
*Swimming in open water is different than a pool, if you are not confident in your swimming abilities then do not go into the water. Make sure you have someone swim with you and wear a lifejacket.
1. Mild airway obstruction (choking rescue) If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. Tell them to keep coughing keep coughing and tell them everything is going to be alright. After coughing is should dislodge whatever is in the person’s throat.
2. Dolphin Kick 15m– Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
3. Whip Kick on front 15m - For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time.
You can do it!
July 26th Week 4
Challenge of the week
Throwing assist with a line
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly Infront of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
1. Severe airway obstruction (choking rescue)
If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. But if they cannot nod than this person may be seriously choking, ask the person if you can help them and let them know you are trained to do this. Start by going behind them, stand them up straight, move their legs apart and place your dominant leg between them. Then you are going put your arm under the persons arm pit and across their chest their other shoulder. Then bend the person over a little bit and with your hand straight you are going to use the bottom of your hand and hit the persons back very hard. (when you are practising just pretend) hit the persons back 5 times then stand the person up and put both arms under their shoulders and around to their belly. Put your one hand over the other and make a cup formation with your hands, you are then going to start at the belly button and scoop up with lots of pressure 5 times. After you do this repeat until the person is no longer choking.
2. Front Scull 15m–Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
3. Whip Kick on front 15m - For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time.
You can do it!
Photo examples
Severe Airway Obstruction
Front Scull
Whip Kick on Front

This week I want you to practise your mild and severe airway obstruction. The goal is to remember how to do it step by step without looking at the instructions. It will help if a family member follows along with the instructions to make sure you are doing everything correctly.
Thunderstorms/Bad Weather
These past couple of weeks we have had some bad weather and lots of thunderstorm warnings. For a safety reminder I want you to remember that as soon as you hear thunder or see lightening you should get out of the water and wait for it to pass. When you do not hear thunder for 30 minutes you can safely get in the water.
July 27th Week 4
Challenge of the week
Throwing assist with a line
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly Infront of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Photo examples
Front crawl 50m – Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Back crawl 50m –Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Front Crawl

Back Crawl

This week I want you to practise your mild and severe airway obstruction. The goal is to remember how to do it step by step without looking at the instructions. It will help if a family member follows along with the instructions to make sure you are doing everything correctly.
Elementary Back Stroke

Thunderstorms/Bad Weather
These past couple of weeks we have had some bad weather and lots of thunderstorm warnings. For a safety reminder I want you to remember that as soon as you hear thunder or see lightening you should get out of the water and wait for it to pass. When you do not hear thunder for 30 minutes you can safely get in the water.
July 28th Week 4
Challenge of the week
Throwing assist with a line
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly Infront of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Photo examples
Stride entry

Stride entry - This is one of the hardest skills to master when learning to swim, so we are going to start early so you are a master at it.
Start at the end of your pool or dock with your toes on the edge
Stick your arms straight out to the slide like a T, stick your dominant foot out as if you are going to step in the water
Slowly step not jump into the water, just as your arms are hitting the water pull your hands together, this will keep your head above the water which is the goal.
2. Mild airway obstruction (choking rescue) - If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. Tell them to keep coughing keep coughing and tell them everything is going to be alright. After coughing is should dislodge whatever is in the person’s throat
3. Dolphin Kick 15m– Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Mild Airway obstruction

Dolphin Kick

This week I want you to practise your mild and severe airway obstruction. The goal is to remember how to do it step by step without looking at the instructions. It will help if a family member follows along with the instructions to make sure you are doing everything correctly.
Thunderstorms/Bad Weather
These past couple of weeks we have had some bad weather and lots of thunderstorm warnings. For a safety reminder I want you to remember that as soon as you hear thunder or see lightening you should get out of the water and wait for it to pass. When you do not hear thunder for 30 minutes you can safely get in the water.
July 29th Week 4
Challenge of the week
Throwing assist with a line
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly Infront of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Reaching assist with rescue equipment with a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
Front Scull 15m– Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.
Whip Kick on front 15m - For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practise so take your time. You can do it!
Photo examples
Reaching assist with rescue equipment
Front Scull
Whip Kick on Front

This week I want you to practise your mild and severe airway obstruction. The goal is to remember how to do it step by step without looking at the instructions. It will help if a family member follows along with the instructions to make sure you are doing everything correctly.
Thunderstorms/Bad Weather
These past couple of weeks we have had some bad weather and lots of thunderstorm warnings. For a safety reminder I want you to remember that as soon as you hear thunder or see lightening you should get out of the water and wait for it to pass. When you do not hear thunder for 30 minutes you can safely get in the water.
July 30th Week 4
Challenge of the week
Throwing assist with a line
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly Infront of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Photo examples
Reaching Assist with rescue equipment

Mild airway obstruction

Severe airway obstruction

This week I want you to practise your mild and severe airway obstruction. The goal is to remember how to do it step by step without looking at the instructions. It will help if a family member follows along with the instructions to make sure you are doing everything correctly.
Thunderstorms/Bad Weather
These past couple of weeks we have had some bad weather and lots of thunderstorm warnings. For a safety reminder I want you to remember that as soon as you hear thunder or see lightening you should get out of the water and wait for it to pass. When you do not hear thunder for 30 minutes you can safely get in the water.
Reaching assist with rescue equipment with a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practise reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
Mild airway obstruction (choking rescue) - If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. Tell them to keep coughing keep coughing and tell them everything is going to be alright. After coughing is should dislodge whatever is in the person’s throat
Severe airway obstruction (choking rescue) - If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. But if they cannot nod than this person may be seriously choking, ask the person if you can help them and let them know you are trained to do this. Start by going behind them, stand them up straight, move their legs apart and place your dominant leg between them. Then you are going put your arm under the persons arm pit and across their chest their other shoulder. Then bend the person over a little bit and with your hand straight you are going to use the bottom of your hand and hit the persons back very hard. (when you are practising just pretend) hit the persons back 5 times then stand the person up and put both arms under their shoulders and around to their belly. Put your one hand over the other and make a cup formation with your hands, you are then going to start at the belly button and scoop up with lots of pressure 5 times. After you do this repeat until the person is no longer choking.
August 2nd Week 5 (Last Week)
Challenge of the week
Front Scull
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly in front of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Photo examples
Front Crawl
Front crawl 50m – Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Back crawl 50m –Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Elementary Back stroke 25m -Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.

Back Crawl

Elementary Back Stroke

This week I want you to practise your dives, this means practise your standing dives and stride dives (stride jump). At least 3 of each, each day.
Boat Safety
you should always have with you:
Canadian-approved flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each passenger on board
Buoyant heaving line at least 15 metres in length
Watertight flashlight OR Canadian approved flares – Type A, B or C
Sound-signaling device
Manual propelling device (i.e., paddle) OR an anchor with at least 15 metres of rope, chain or cable
Bailer OR manual water pump
Class 5 BC fire extinguisher
What not to do
Have drugs and alcohol on a boat
Drive the boat when it is storming out
Drive the boat with excessive wind
Allow unlicensed passengers to drive the boat
August 3rd Week 5 (Last Week)
Challenge of the week
Front Scull
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly in front of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Whip Kick on front 15m - For whip kick on your front, you will start on your stomach with your legs together. You will then make sure your knees are touching and point toes away from your body while still having your knees connected. When you are ready you are going to pull your feet away and point to the bottom of the water. Then you will whip your toes together and repeat. This will take some practice so take your time.You can do it!
Dolphin Kick 15m–Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Back crawl 50m –Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Whip Kick on front
Dolphin Kick
Back Crawl
Photo examples

This week I want you to practise your dives, this means practise your standing dives and stride dives (stride jump). At least 3 of each, each day.
Boat Safety
you should always have with you:
Canadian-approved flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each passenger on board
Buoyant heaving line at least 15 metres in length
Watertight flashlight OR Canadian approved flares – Type A, B or C
Sound-signaling device
Manual propelling device (i.e., paddle) OR an anchor with at least 15 metres of rope, chain or cable
Bailer OR manual water pump
Class 5 BC fire extinguisher
What not to do
Have drugs and alcohol on a boat
Drive the boat when it is storming out
Drive the boat with excessive wind
Allow unlicensed passengers to drive the boat
August 4th Week 5 (Last Week)
Challenge of the week
Front Scull
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly in front of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Photo examples
Front Scull

Mild Airway Obstruction
Front Scull 15m– Start on your back floating with both of your arms down by your side a little bit away from your body. Next you need to make your fingers nice and straight and cup both of your hands. Sculling is like scooping the water, so without kicking your feet you are going to start doing a scooping motion, first by pushing out with your hands and then puling in. Make sure you do not bend your elbows; your arms should be straight at all times.You can do it!
Reaching assist with rescue equipment with a flutter board, noodle or whatever you have available you are going to practice reaching into the water with the flotation device. You will need a buddy, either a parent, or friend. Have the friend get in the water about arm’s length away, have the friend imitate a tired swimmer. What I want you to do is stand at the edge of your dock or pool, identify that the victim needs help, say “Hey, are you okay? Do you need help?” If they nod yes, grab your flotation device and lay down on the ground, tell the person in the water it will be alright and for them to grab the flotation device as you push it to him. Once they have it, ask if they can swim in and you will help them get out of the water.
Mild airway obstruction (choking rescue) - If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. Tell them to keep coughing keep coughing and tell them everything is going to be alright. After coughing is should dislodge whatever is in the person’s throat.
Reaching Assist with rescue equiptment

This week I want you to practise your dives, this means practise your standing dives and stride dives (stride jump). At least 3 of each, each day.
Boat Safety
you should always have with you:
Canadian-approved flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each passenger on board
Buoyant heaving line at least 15 metres in length
Watertight flashlight OR Canadian approved flares – Type A, B or C
Sound-signaling device
Manual propelling device (i.e., paddle) OR an anchor with at least 15 metres of rope, chain or cable
Bailer OR manual water pump
Class 5 BC fire extinguisher
What not to do
Have drugs and alcohol on a boat
Drive the boat when it is storming out
Drive the boat with excessive wind
Allow unlicensed passengers to drive the boat
August 5th Week 5 (Last Week)
Challenge of the week
Front Scull
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly in front of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Severe airway obstruction (choking rescue) If you come across a person who is choking, stop and ask if they need any help, always ask before you do anything. If the person nods their head yes, then tell them that they need to keep coughing. But if they cannot nod than this person may be seriously choking, ask the person if you can help them and let them know you are trained to do this. Start by going behind them, stand them up straight, move their legs apart and place your dominant leg between them. Then you are going put your arm under the persons arm pit and across their chest their other shoulder. Then bend the person over a little bit and with your hand straight you are going to use the bottom of your hand and hit the persons back very hard. (when you are practising just pretend) hit the persons back 5 times then stand the person up and put both arms under their shoulders and around to their belly. Put your one hand over the other and make a cup formation with your hands, you are then going to start at the belly button and scoop up with lots of pressure 5 times. After you do this repeat until the person is no longer choking.
Stride entry - This is one of the hardest skills to master when learning to swim, so we are going to start early so you are a master at it.Start at the end of your pool or dock with your toes on the edgeStick your arms straight out to the slide like a T, stick your dominant foot out as if you are going to step in the waterSlowly step not jump into the water, just as your arms are hitting the water pull your hands together, this will keep your head above the water which is the goal.
Elementary Back stroke 25m - Start floating on your back, knees together, and thumbs by your legs and arms straight. Pull your arms up to your head while keeping your thumb on your legs all the way up to your ears. Your arms should end up straight above your head. Once they are above your head pull down and whip your legs at the same time. then repeat.
Photo examples
Severe Airway Obstruction
Stride Entry
Elementary Back Stroke

This week I want you to practise your dives, this means practise your standing dives and stride dives (stride jump). At least 3 of each, each day.
Boat Safety
you should always have with you:
Canadian-approved flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each passenger on board
Buoyant heaving line at least 15 metres in length
Watertight flashlight OR Canadian approved flares – Type A, B or C
Sound-signaling device
Manual propelling device (i.e., paddle) OR an anchor with at least 15 metres of rope, chain or cable
Bailer OR manual water pump
Class 5 BC fire extinguisher
What not to do
Have drugs and alcohol on a boat
Drive the boat when it is storming out
Drive the boat with excessive wind
Allow unlicensed passengers to drive the boat
August 6th Week 5 (Last Day)
Challenge of the week
Front Scull
If you can I want, you to try and practise throwing a flotation device with a line to a person in the water. Just like when you practised reach assist with rescue equipment. Have someone in the water, talk them through the situation and make sure you keep them talking and calm, when they are ready you are going to throw whatever flotation device you have just slightly in front of the person so they can grab it, once they grab it lay down on the side of your dock or pool and start pulling them in slowly. Remember to keep them talking.
Front crawl 50m – Start on your front floating, start with one arm straight up and one down by your hip. Keep your fingers together and pull down to your side. While you are pulling your other arm comes up out of the water and repeats the skill. Practise doing this with your rhythmic breathing.
Back crawl 50m – Start on your back floating with your one arm down by your side and the other straight and above your head but still in the water. Lift the arm that is above your head out of the water and twist your hand, so your pinky finger hits the water first. Once it hits the water pull and repeat with your other arm. Make sure when your other arm comes out of the water your thumb should be the first thing that hits the air.
Dolphin Kick 15m - Start with a flutter board and lay on your stomach, your arms straight out with your forearms on the flutter board or with your hands at the bottom. Keep your legs and feet straight and together at all times. The movement is going to come from the hips and down to your legs. The easiest explanation is to swim like a mermaid/merman.
Photo examples
Front Crawl
Back Crawl
Dolphin Kick

This week I want you to practise your dives, this means practise your standing dives and stride dives (stride jump). At least 3 of each, each day.
Boat Safety
you should always have with you:
Canadian-approved flotation device or lifejacket of appropriate size for each passenger on board
Buoyant heaving line at least 15 metres in length
Watertight flashlight OR Canadian approved flares – Type A, B or C
Sound-signaling device
Manual propelling device (i.e., paddle) OR an anchor with at least 15 metres of rope, chain or cable
Bailer OR manual water pump
Class 5 BC fire extinguisher
What not to do
Have drugs and alcohol on a boat
Drive the boat when it is storming out
Drive the boat with excessive wind
Allow unlicensed passengers to drive the boat